- The first thing that we agreed on was, my model through the production stage had lost all its muscle definition definition.
- The human anatomy was wrong i.e. arms length to the leg proportions in particular.
- Looking at the model i decided that some more added detail was needed.
- A higher poly character would be created to add in straps and other fine detail. This high poly mesh would be taken into Z-Brush and this would create my Normal map, specular maps etc. Once the Normal maps were created the normal map would be applied to a lower poly mesh.
- Also added into the model to bring out the silhouette even more and to make the model more interesting some blades were added to the left arm and a rocket launcher on the right. I shall be adding a emissive map onto the blades in order for it not to look like a Predator rip off. I think this will look rather cool as well and add something extra to the model.

Here is a closer look at the extra detail i have added to the character:

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