Saturday, 12 December 2009
Lets see what the audience think?
Here's is a link to that thread that i posted up in the Epic Games Forum:
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Looking at the Arms so far.....
Looking at the Face so far.....
Looking at the Boots so far.....
Looking at the Legs so far.....
Looking at the legs there hasn't been a dramatic change since the start of the modelling process, it has mainly just been subtle changes like adding in a belt ammo pack and extra ammo. The legs have also been slimmed down like the rest of the body has to give the character alot more form and definition. The character legs look alot better now that they have been slimmed down and alot more believable.
Looking at the Torso so far.....
If we look at fig.3 we can see that from my original concept design through to early development in 3DS Max things where looking very flat and un-interesting to look look at. Back in October in order to form the Torso alls i done to create it was to use a cylinder object and re-shaped it slightly. This was easily picked up on by my tutors and John and again with alot of things throughout development i could not see it at first until this was pointed out to me.
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
A time for reflection on the process and development so far....
I think i would like to firstly start off by saying that things have not exactly gone to plan, my Gantt chart that i produced in Pre-production had me finishing all base meshes for the character, weapon and vehicle before Christmas. I believe that i have been naive in thinking that everything was going to run like a well oiled machine. Hopefully by the end of this post it will show the problems i encountered in producing such a delay.
As fig.1 shows there is a massive difference between my original concept design and and the present model that i have produced. Why do they look so different? The main reason being;
- The basic shape and anatomy of my character had to change dramatically in order to conform with the UT3 skeleton. My original concept design was produced to look as realistic and anatomically correct as possible, however before i even began to build my model John suggested that i should attempt to import the default UT3 character that was free to download. Immediately i knew that things were going to have to change as the Unreal proportions of the body did not conform to true life. Why they build their model in this way i don't really understand, maybe they made them this way so they would be instantly recognizable.
- My concept design had no real form or any kind of detail that would help my character stand out. I cannot believe that i never seen this way back in pre-production looking back now it looks boring and uninteresting. All the armour was flat and didn't have much shape and detail in it but this was not immediately apparent to me until i started modelling the character in 3DS MAx.
- Having imported the UT3 character i realised that if i carried on with my original concept my character would look bland in comparison to other pre built models already in UT3. Hence the reason alot more detail was added into the back area and a Jetpack was added as this is the view point that the user would see more of when playing UT3.
If we look at fig.2 below we can see that my model has gone through a big transformation from the original concept in terms of scale and size. Main differences between the different stages are the proportions have changed both in width and in height. The total frame of the anatomy had been bulked up in order to not look out of place in the Unreal universe. It was strange that i never picked up on this at first or earlier on in the development of the character i think i was distracted by poly counts or something but i was shocked when i realized how wrong the body shape was.
Monday, 7 December 2009
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Looking at other artists work and how they detail their characters

Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Bringing out the Silhouette